Joining the village up in one large Hedgehog Highway, one street at a time

Our much loved hedgehogs are now on the IUCN Red List (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and in danger of extinction.  The good news is that urban populations are showing signs of stabilising or even recovering (see report)  .  Our urban gardens and green spaces are absolutely key to securing a future for hedgehogs.

HI Hedgehog Champions has been created to harness the power of our community and provide the best environment possible for hedgehogs in our villages.   

About HI Hedgehog Champions

  • We aim to join up the village in one large Hedgehog Highway.
  • We are recruiting Street Champions from (all) streets in our village
  • We encourage and empower Street Champions to get their neighbours involved.
  • We encourage everyone in our villages to make their gardens welcoming to hedgehogs.
  • We want our village to provide the safest environment for hedgehogs that it possibly can.
  • We are collecting data on hedgehogs sightings in the village.


Become a Street Champion

What does a Street Champion do?

  • Contact others in their street and encourage them to join in with the H&I Hedgehog Superhighway and to welcome hedgehogs to their garden.
  • The Hedgehog Champions team will provide resources to help.
  • Keep in touch the Hedgehog Champions team. Send hedgehog photos/videos and let them know how you are getting on. They can also help with drilling holes in fences, and questions you’d like help with.
Join the HI Hedgehog Champions team

Roles include

  • Creating social media to promote the scheme within the village
  • Recruiting or Coordinating Street Champions
  • Collecting data on hedgehog sightings. 
  • Updating our map of sightings across the 2 villages.
  • Helping with ‘Hedgehogs in your garden’ information stalls at various events.
Join your garden to the HI Hedgehog Highway
  • Make sure your garden is welcoming for hedgehogs (see - Helpful garden features info from Hedgehog Street).
  • Check that your garden is accessible to hedgehogs - where can they get in? 
  • Look out for hedgehog poo on your lawn.
  • If you know you have hedgehogs already - make sure to keep their routes open.
  • Fences - Dig a trench underneath or make a hole in the fence (optimum size 13cm diameter).  Hedgehogs can climb a little, so make the hole just above the plinth/bargeboard of the fence.
  • Gates - Create a gap underneath.
  • Solid walls are more difficult - is there an alternative route?
Our Gallery of Hedgehog Highways routes




Email: hihedgehogs@ gmail.com