We’re already doing a lot, but we want to do more… much more!
These are some of the areas where we’re really keen to take action. Is there something here you feel passionately about? Might you be involved? Do drop us a line, as TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE THINGS HAPPEN in the village.
Or can you see something missing? Send us an email to add something to the list, or give us your thoughts on these or any other issues.
How to eliminate junk mail, single use plastics and micro-plastics, address the root causes of litter in our community, and tackle the non-removal of dog waste.
How to create an economically and ecologically sustainable High Street, including encouraging people out of their cars, opening the High Street for pedestrians on a regular basis, and creating a pay as you go bike stop.
How to reduce car journeys and increase use of public transport, cycling and walking for local journeys. How to widen access to alternative energy sources. How to get more people to use recycling bins correctly. How to encourage wildlife.
How to support wellbeing, reduce the strain on the NHS and encourage connection with nature.
Please help us improve the information and events we organise by leaving us some feedback on our most recent Eco Fest and 30 Day Challenge by completing this form.
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